Friday, 2 March 2012

Klaar! Leandra se kussing.

Leandra's cushion is DONE! (A while ago). But her birthday was only last weekend, so now I can show it off (cause I'm quite chuffed with it :-)

O wee!  Hierdie kussing is al lankal klaar.  Maar kry ek tyd om 'n mooi te neem en dit net klaar te beskryf? 


En sy het eers die afgelope naweek verjaar, so nou kan ek maar wys.

Hiersy nou:

The front:

The back (I didn't pattern-match the fold-overs, bit lazy, but few's gonna look there).

Om te sê ek's in my noppies, is 'n ... onderbeklemtoning.  Very happy!

Die lap het ek mos hier gehad; 'n hele paar jaar gelede by Wetherleys gekry, by 'n hopie materiaalmonsters wat hul wou uitgooi.  Perfekte pas.

I got the fabric for free a couple of years ago, lying on a pile of sample that was going to be thrown out.

Die rande: Een ry SC, gevolg deur 'n eenvoudige skulprand van 1 SC 1 HD 2 DC 1 HD 1 SC.

The edge: one row SC, followed by a simple scallop of 1 SC 1 HD 2 DC 1 HD 1 SC.

Die wol:  Vinnis Cotton (hoekom sê ons in Afrikaans 'wol' vir enigiets wat om 'n hekelpen of breipen kan gaan?), en die kleure:

The yarn - Vinnis Cotton in

Tamatierooi (Tomato 575)
Donkerblou (Navy 589)
Ougoud (Old Gold 596)
Turkoois (Sage 547)
En dan groen en bruinerig, weet nie watter ene is watter... (Wine 580) en (Chestnut 503).

Dit was 'n heerlike kussing om te maak. Die wol, die kleure, die lap, als het reg uitgewerk!

Hoop sy hou ook daarvan.

(En kyk, dit werk ook op my my winter kussings...).

It was a lovely cushion to work on. The yarn, the fabric, the colours, everything worked out right.

Hope she likes it too.
(And even goes with my winter continentals...)


  1. Of course she will like it- it's stunningly beautiful!!!!
    I dont know which side I love the most- they are both so beautiful!!!! And that fabric is amazing!!
    Love it!!
    Hope your weekend is lovely

  2. Thank you for your comment the other day. LOL, you did make me chuckle! Don't worry, I'm getting my PCH mojo back now nicely now and I have some projects in mind again :)

    Sandra x

    PS Love the cushion by the way!

  3. stunning! It is so vintage looking, I love it.
