Saturday, 18 August 2012

Grade 1 Super-Method Sewing Machine Cover

1. Look in dismay at the pile of things to do and clothes to mend on work table

Sad work table

 2. Discover one basket under pile. Remove silly lining and put basket to use in bedroom.

Actually, those flowers don't look half bad...

3. Out of not-knowing-what-to-do-with-it-now, pull lining over sewing machine:

Oh my hat!  It works!

4. Leave it right there until it's going to be ironed one day :-)


  1. I love the fabric and what you have made, what a nice sewing area. Beautiful photos.

  2. brilliant! The flowery fabrics really nice, I'd keep it as your machine cover. I could do with making one - but I just don't have the time! x

  3. Great idea! This lining makes a really good machine cover! Love your post! :)

  4. A perfect fit! And it looks so nice sitting on teh crochet tablecloth too.

  5. That's just brilliant, i love it!

  6. I like it! Genius! I am all for quick fixes...♥♥♥
