Thursday 9 May 2013

Crochet Induced Attention Deficit

There is one place more dangerous that my LYS or bookstore and that is the hardware store.

I've been a loyal client of my hardware store since my first year at uni in 1990, when I bought a copper rod to use as a curtain rod.  Since then, through 4 suburb relocations; to another city and back; to another country and back, I still drive past many others to go to Hi-Lite Hardware.

Today I bought this:

To do what with???

Have you seen this blog post?

Brilliant idea, Carmen

Have a look at Carmen's beautiful blog at

Now, I've got tiny squares to hook.


  1. genial!!! thank you for sharing this!!!!
    xxxx Ale

  2. Brilliant! Hardware stores, decor stores, yarn stores, fabric stores. My own personal brand of heroin. I think it's because all these stores not only sell goods but 'possibility'. And dreams.

  3. That is a really good idea, a great way to browse through colours :)

  4. I did see that post on FB. Brilliant. So cute those mini squares. Happy hooking!
