Saturday, 20 September 2014

Almost a Bohemian Bugger-up

When it's the end of a long, busy week, and you just made the 2hr drive with two lively boys to your aunt, and you're busy the whole weekend, and the little time you take to work on the Bohemian Blanket is spent squinting bleary-eyed at the yarn... can only gasp at the horror of the mistake you realise only Three Rounds After You Made It!

What the...whaaat???

Tragically, yes, it can be done.
My heart rate is back to normal. Several cappo's later, the horror has been rectified, the ends have disappeared and Project Bohemia has been completed and is actually drying outside. 


(But I'm sure I'm not alone in this club...)


  1. Yep been there, done that, and with alarming regularity.
    Lovely blanket!

  2. I love it! C'est tellement beau, bravo!

  3. Sounds familiar........I love your blanket!!

  4. HA ha ha! How on earth did that happen. That is so... Like... What the heck! Happy you have sorted it. It is a lovely blanket.

  5. you made me laugh out loud!!! ;oD …. sorry for that!!!

    I've seen your blanket done and it's really great!!!!
    xxxxxx Ale

  6. So easily done! I did that on a table mat while on a plane. At the time I couldn't work out why the stitch count didn't marry up and even then didn't realise what I had done until much later.
    The lesson: beware of tiredness and distractions.

    Glad you noticed and fixed it in time
    but if you did the same thing on every square, you might have an interesting and unique edging! :-)

    Such pretty squares. Lovely work as always.

  7. I love this motif! Is this pattern available?
    I know this is an older post, but I've just found it and would LOVE to have the pattern for this motif! (and that lovely "extra fancy" you put in the border!
