Monday 5 March 2012

My Amigurumi octo(sexto)pus

How cute is this?

I used the Baby Monsters pattern for the body (

The legs were hooked as part of the last row of the bottom circle. To hook spirals: hook a chain twice the length that you want. Turn, make 2 SC in each chain. I found the spiral effect was stronger when I hooked in the butt of the chain (the back part of the stitch).

Somehow I didn't count right, and my octopus ended up a sextopus - only 6 legs!

Ah, but it's still sweet


  1. He is sooo cute!! My kids would adore him!

  2. Found you.:D Peek a boo! You can't hide anymore. Come on Stel, every step count. How can swop convenience to walking instead, just for 15 minutes? Get off at an early bus stop? Walk around the block before sitting down on the couch in the evening. Walking up and down a staircase not just once but 3 times in a row? No hiding. We all have ups and downs. Forget about yesterday. Make a change today. :D

  3. Your sextopus is really very cute.

  4. Hi Stel,

    Just left you an award on my blog, so pop around to collect it!

    Celeste x
