Sunday 29 April 2012

3KCBWDAY7 - The Unbalanced Crafter

My husband likes to say that I have the attention span of a squirrel.
(it's true!)

And then I'm also a Gemini - so it's either this or that, seemingly incompatible likes/interestes.

Same with crafting. First I learnt to knit.  My first FO was a hideous purple and yellow snake that had to be done in my std 2 needlework class. Unfortunately that little piece of evidence disappeared, but I still have the green and brown clown from the  next year.

Mmm...might need some cosmetic surgery around the lips.

I then knitted on and off.

Every 5 yrs or so, I'd annouce with great fanfare that I Am Going To Knit something, be it a scarve or very veeeeery verrrrrry simple jersey with which my mother or somebody would have to help in the end. I loved it, because I could read while doing it...maybe that's why I also struggled a little bit.

In std 7, I learned to cross stitch.  Never touched it again until almost 15 yrs later, when I exploded into cross stitching: towel border for new babies and Christmas presents, a collage type thingy depicting my sisi's travels while doing her 2 year working holiday in London -  nothing for myself. I loved it because you could easily do it in the car, and so I finished many projects.

First attempt at cross stitch - turned out to like it, despite Miss Mitchell's best attempts to instill an intense dislike in all things domestical in our group of std 7 girls

And now I crochet. I have been doing it for a year now and it's the craft I like most (although, I realised almost immediately - no simultaneous reading & hooking :-(  But happily, it's a great travelling hobby.  When I look back at the past year, I can't believe what I have already finished, and there's an ever-changing neverending-list of things I want to hook!

(But I do want to try out knitting this cardigan, as seen at the Cozy Things blog).
(I am a total Cozy Things groupie).

((And sometimes I sew - but only straight lines - so there will be some cushions in the making :-))

And so we come to the end of blog week.  Thanks so much to Eskimimi Makes for hosting this, to all who participated and provided interesting reads and chuckles, and all who read and enjoyed with us.
Roll on 4KCBW!


  1. How great that you've still got some of your first crafty efforts! I love the cardigan you linked to.

  2. So many crafts to indulge in! I had never been to Cozy Things blog--I will be going back! Thanks for introducing it to us.

  3. Wonderful work, thanks for visit daiverdei XD!

  4. I like your post. Your journey through handcrafting sounds similar to mine :)

  5. It's so cool that you saved some of your earliest projects!
