Tuesday, 13 December 2011


Hi everybody!

Don't you think for one moment that because we're on summer holiday, it would actually be...summery. 
No ways.
In  one day we'll have short bouts of sunshine, wind, misty rain, drizzle, cold rain, fog coming in over the bay...but at least we're gazing at the ocean!

I completed ± 25 stars (estimating from the picture here, not all visible), hooked some loops, added some beads (with difficulty, as warned about by my sisi), but look, here they are!  Happily flapping away in the Garden Route wind.  I grouped all of them together on the leaf-less (don't know why) part of the tree, and it really looks nice.  Some even has a bell of two.    

Am I going to be doing this again next year? 
You BET.
But with nice cotton, and more of that little bunting and bells and beads. 

So I've started with Simultaneously Hooked Holiday Project 1:

...a new-wool scarve for my cold sis in wet, dreary, cloudy, dark Ireland; to brighten her day. 
A full post will be devoted to this bright, sunshiny softness.
(When I'm back home, with my download cables and Picasa...these were downloaded from mobile uploads on Facebook...).
Whilst hooking away I was sipping rooibos tea with honey and snacking away on one of my absolute favourite things in the world, a good old South African milktart, much the same as the French and Portuguese baked custards. We like ours baked in puff pastry, with more than a dash of cinnamon sugar. 
I could survive on this! 

Simultaneously Hooked Holiday Projects 2 and 3 entails a Cath Kidston tin with 6 small balls turning into a cushion, and some plain cotton twine growing into a little sunhat.

Then there's the plastic bags being cut up (#4) and the wool mix aran (#5) and the Ripple Blanket (#6)...I really am making sure I'll be busy.

Enjoy your holiday if your having, and I wish all the One-A-Dayers (and others) and blessed Christmastime!  And again, thankyou to Carole for hosting this CAL.  I'm looking forward to seeing the last post of this year at Gingerbread Girl.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

One-a-Day 12...Stars and rounds

One-a-Day turned out to be almost Three-a-Day :-) 

I finished 23 of these stars and round and also a few strands to be turned into loops (have to hide the beads away from my boy, who wants to thread them all).  It goes nice and quick, perfect for waiting outside the school, or during swimming lessons. 

I hope to be able to post throughout the holiday, going to try out Blogger's email-to-the-blog thingey, or otherwise the long route of MMSing to FIL's email, downloading and uplaoding from there...computer access not the easiest thing.  Hopefully this time next week I can share a tree full of stars :-D

Thanks to Carole who hosts the One-A-Day posts, it is a great idea and motivator to get on with some hooking. 

Wishing all my fellow hookers and bloggers indeed a very blessed Christmas, warmth for the northeners, sunshine and a relaxed summer holiday for the southerners.  Enjoy!

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Klaar!! Kussings Kussings Kussings Kussings

Drie kussingprojekte klaar!

Twee oortreksels vir Hartenboshuisie, alreeds in JUNIE klaargehaak, maar nou eers aanmekaargewerk.  Ek het 'n ou ligblou gingam-tafeldoek gebruik vir die agterkante, en met ligblou borduurgaring vasgewerk (wat noem mens dié, glipsteek?).  Patroon: Lucy se Summer Garden Squares. Kan nie wag om hierdie twee op hul rottangstoele in Hartenbos te gaan neersit nie. 

Three cushion projects done!

I finished two covers for the Little Beach House (crocheted in June, but only completed now). Forthe back I used an old, light-blue gingham table cloth, which I stitched with ligh-blue emrboidery thread. Pattern: Lucy's Sumer Garden Squares.
Can't wait to put it on the rattan chairs in Hartenbos.

Ek het Anner Stel sover gekry om hier te kom sit om die oortreksel vir Krulliekop se kussing klaar te stik, terwyl ek bg. twee doen.  Ons is albei baaaaaie deeltydse naaldwerkers, so dit was nogal 'n interessante oefening, aangehelp met baie koffie en rooibos.
Patroon: Cornel se teemus-motief (aangepas van Ingrid van woodwoolstool)

I got Other Stel to join me and finish the cover for her Curly Girl's cushion.  Both of us sew very occasionally, so it was an interesting exercise, with lots of coffee and rooibos tea to help us.
Pattern: Cornel's tea cosy motif, adapted from Ingrid of woodwoolstool)


Die ronde kussinkie het ek ook al maande gelede klaargemaak, vaagweg gebaseer op 'n kombinasie van Lucy se Summer Garden Squares en Alice se Granny Mandala  en nog elders  'n vatlappie waarvan ek nie eens die patroon meer onthou nie.  Die kussing is spesifiek gemaak vir 'n ou gietysterstoel wat altyd in my ouers se spaarkamer gestaan het, toe nog in wit gedaante.  Hier by my was die stoel al room, gunmetal, weer wit en tans rooi.  Hy migreer so van die kombuis na die agterstoep en weer terug. Die agterkant is gemaak van 'n ou denimkussingsloop. Die knopies is net dekoratief, en ek het dit weer vasgewerk met 'n sagte geel borduurgare (het toe nie die oranje wat ek eintlik wou gebruik nie).  Ek moet dalk net 'n beter kussing maak, hierdie was sommer 'n kortpad-vat-'n-platterige-vierkantige-kussing-en stik-dit-rond...

The little round cushion was finished months ago and is vaguely based on a combination of Lucy's Summer Garden Squares, Alice's Granny Mandala and another pattern that I can't even remember. It was specifically made for and old wrought-iron chair that used to live in my parents' spare bedroom, then white. I have painted it ivory, gunmetal grey, white again and it is red for now.  It migrates between the kitchen to the back stoep and back into the house.  
The back of the cover was made of an old denim pillow cover. The buttons are just decorative. I sewed it with a buttercup yellow embroidery thread - wanted to use bright orange but only then realised I didn't have any! At some stage I'll have to replace the inner with a proper round one, as I literally cut corners of an unused, unloved little square pillow...

Klaar! Vier kussings!

Done!  Four cushions!