Thursday, 11 October 2012


Getting rid of all these little balls of yarn that you keep, long after the project's completed, because it's just such a waste to through it away.

So here's what I'm doing - and this will be a looooong term project:

1. Hook 1 granny stripe blanket

I've long since wanted to do one, but had no specific room, place, recipient in mind, so this will become a car/picnic blanket.  One stripe per colour, with white/cream in between just to calm the colours down.  

As and when I have yarn left over.
As and when I have time and want to work on it.

Beginnings of the Granny Stripe

2. Hook 1 Linen Stitch blanket

Blatantly copying Kristen from Cozy Things, because she's my absolute blanket guru.
Kristen hooked this blanket, and I was in love.  She said afterwards that it came out a bit stiff and could probably do with a larger hook, which I also realised while doing the green stripe.  So that  one will be frogged en re-hooked with a nr 5.  
This stitch (just 1 singe 1 ch) makes for a lovely texture to the blanket and asks for broader stripes.

As and when I have yarn left over.
As and when I have time and want to work on it.

And it might also become a car/picnic blanket!

Linen Stitch Blanket

So these are my stash busters.
(Acrylic stash, that is...will make another plan with the tiny remains of my Vinnis!)

Long Term Stash Busting Project!

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Klaar! 'n Kombersie vir Baba K .

Ek wou al lankal die Squaring the Big Circle -patroon van Signed with an Owl maak!
Gelukkig was daar 'n babaseuntjie op pad.
For the longest time I wanted to hook the Squaring the Big Circle pattern of Signed with an Owl.
Happily, a baby boy was on his way.

One finished blanket.

Ek het in die aand gehekel (partykeer), baie in die kar terwyl ek wag voor die skool, of as passasier op pad iewers.  En in die tuin terwyl die kinders speel en ons braai op Erfenisdag - hekel is mos ook ons erfenis ;-)
I hooked in the evenings (sometimes), often in the car, waiting at school, or as passenger en route somewhere. And in the garden while the kids are playing and we're having a braai on Heritage Day - crochet is part of our heritage!

Hooking on a hot day is better with a nice ginger beer!

Die randjie was eenvoudig, omdat die kombers so bont is: net nog 'n ry granny trebles, en daarna 'n ry half-trebles (donkerblou).  In retrospek sal ek eerder dubbelrye van elke kleur gebruik het, en die 'squaring' ook in die ligte denimblou.
The edge was kept simple, as the blanket was so colourful: just another row of granny trebles, followed by a row of hlf-trebles (dark blue).  In retrospect, I should have used doubles rows of each colour, and should have done the squaring in the light denim-blue as well. 

At the edge.

Een van my mooiste blokke, het gehou van hierdie kleurkombinasie.  Die fokus is effe vrot en versag met Soft Focus - ek het hoog bo-op die bed gestaan en balanseer!
One of my favourite squares - I like this colour combination. The focus is more than poor - I was wobbling high on the bed while taking photos!

This square had my favourite colour sequence.

Tevrede.  Ek sal weer hierdie patroon doen. Hoop Baba K en sy ma hou ook daarvan!
I'm happy and would hook this pattern again.  Hope Baby K and his mom like it as well!

Ek het verskeie kleure van Vinnis Nikkim (katoen) en Bambi (organiese bamboes) gebruik. Dit word met die hand gekleur en gee dan die mooi verouderde effek.
I used various colours of Vinnis Nikkim (cotton) and Bambi (organic bamboo).  It is hand-dyed, resulting in the ageing effect. 

And ready to go.

Hierdie kombers is gedoen as deel van die One-a-Day CAL
The blanket was hooked as part of the One-a-Day CAL

Onthou die lang, lang geveg met die Reënboog Ripple?  Hy is nou tuis in die Hartenbos Huisie, tesame met die blokkieskombers wat ek en my sisi saamgehekel het April.
Remember the long, long struggle with the Rainbow Ripple?  It  is at home now in The Little Beach House, together with the mini-squares blanket that my sis and I completed during the April holidays.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Klaar! Nog blomserpe en 'n beanie

O wee, so hardloop die tyd en die een na die ander blomserpie word gemaak. 
Ek was bang hierdie lyk soos gebakte eier, maar die daisy het mooi deurgekom.  vriendin Elaine was mal daaroor, en toe kry sy dit present. 

Oh my world, time flies and I keep on hooking my flowery scarves.
I was afraid hat this might turn out like fried egg, but it did end up looking like a daisy.  My friend Elaine loved it when she saw me working on it, so she got it as a present. 

Daisie-serp vir Elaine

Em omdat dit so lekker en vinnig werk, en omdat ek die regte kleure Vinnis Serina (bamboes) en Nikkim (katoen) hier gehad het, en ek weet dis vriendin Julia se kleure, kry sy toe 'n pienkperse.

And because it hooks up so quickly  and I had the right colours in Vinnis Serina (bamboo) and Nikkim (cotton), and I knew my friend Julia loves these colours, she got this one:

Pienk en Pers vir Julia

En hierdie is was vir mnr M, bg Julia se eggenoot, wat my uitdaag vir 'n beanie met "wings and a ♥"
Na die 3e patroon het ek iets gekry wat lyk soos vlermuisvlerke...maar ek het hom aanbeveel om dit dalk nie in die openbaar te dra nie!

This one was for mr M, Julia's better half, who dared me for a beanie "with wings and a ♥".
The third pattern I tried vaguely resembled bat wings...but I recommended that he maybe he shouldn't wear this in public!  Was great fun, though.

Beanie with wings and a ♥ for Julia's man

The flowery scarf pattern can be found at The Yvestown Shop
A friend gave me instructions for the heart over coffee - I wouldn't be able to repeat it even if I tried!