Hier is dit, my Malabrigo supersagte supermooie groenste groenbloue serp!
Here it is...my Malabrigo supersoft superbeautiful greenest of greenblue scarf!
(note that I got the spelling of SCARF right now :-D )
(note that I got the spelling of SCARF right now :-D )
(dis eintlik al lankal klaar...ek probeer dit net hier, was nog te warm)
(it's actually been finished a while ago...just trying it out here, was to warm still)
Ek weet ek spog nou, maar ek is net so totaal in my noppies hiermee.
I know I'm bragging...but I'm just so totally chuffed with myself.
Onthou, ek het die wol op Suzanne se blog gesien, en hier is die storie hoe ek dit in die hande gekry het.
Remember, I saw the yarn the first time on Suzanne's blog, end here's the story of how I got it.
My sisi het help bolle rol:
My sisi help to wind the balls:
Die serpie het begin lewe kry op die klein strand by Mosselbaai Punt
I started working on the beach at Mossel Bay Point.
Deur die vakansie het dit gegroei oor lekker koffie by Baruch...
Through the holiday it grew over lovely coffee at Baruch...

...en 'n Israeli bord.
...and an Israeli platter.
En eendag was dit klaar.
And one day it was finished.
Lief dit!
Love it!
From the tag...
"Río means "river" in Spanish.
Malabrigo Ríos is named after the four major rivers in Uruguay: Río Cuareim, RíoUruguay, Río de la Plata and Río Negro.
Each river is represented by one ply. These plies twist together like winding rivers.
Ríos also signifies the yarn's washability; for millennia rivers have provided water for washing garments."
"Río means "river" in Spanish.
Malabrigo Ríos is named after the four major rivers in Uruguay: Río Cuareim, RíoUruguay, Río de la Plata and Río Negro.
Each river is represented by one ply. These plies twist together like winding rivers.
Ríos also signifies the yarn's washability; for millennia rivers have provided water for washing garments."
Hier's die info:
- Wol - Malabrigo Rios
- Patroon - www.mypicot.com Patroon 2030 onder Crochet
- Koste - E27! (min of meer R270! Vir 2 bolle)
- Resultaat - Prysloos
Here's the info:
- Yarn - Malabrigo Rios
- Pattern - www.mypicot.com Pattern 2030 under Crochet
- Cost - E27! (more or less R270! For 2 balls)
- Result- Priceless
En hierdie week was dit vir die eerste keer koel genoeg om te dra.
And this week it was cool enough for the first time to step out with my scarf.
(Playing with a cleaner layout...how does this work?)