Eintlik wou ek iets heel anders doen, vir hierdie baba Joshua. Twee moontlike patrone het reggelê, ek wou Vinni's gebruik, maar eendag gooi ek al my wolle so op die bed, om bietjie te sorteer...en die klompie bloue perse groene val so langs mekaar...en toe word dit 'n Ripple.
I actually wanted to do something totally different for this baby Josua. Had two patterns ready, wanted to buy some Vinni's; but then one day when I was sorting yarn, I threw everything on the bed and the greens blues lavender fell in a pile...and it became a Ripple.
Die wol kom meestal uit my Opgehoopte Voorraad...elle Pure Gold, elle Rustica en enkele onbekende ander. Ek het die kakie en bruin bygesit omdat dit amper begin dogtertjierig lyk het.
The yarn is mainly from my Stash Pile...elle Pure Gold, elle Rustica, and some unknown others. I added the khaki and brown in the end because it started to look a bit girly.
Nog so drie weke, dan ontmoet ons hom. Intussen is wag sy kombersie in sy kamer.
We'll meet him in another three weeks. Meanwhile, his blankie will be waiting in his room.
Baie mooi! Ek hou baie van die kleure, dit lyk lekker 'rustic'. (p.s. my seuntjie se naam is ook Joshua!)
Wow...stunning! Pictures of Joshua's feet please (I have a thing for baby feet, I think they are so cute!).
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