It seemed like a good idea, and it was.
But it's out of my mind now, off the list, scrapped.
Not going to be done any more.
Remember these old wire garden sets? It got quite popular again the last couple of years, but you had to hunt them down, and if you could find it hope for a good price.
Dit was 'n goeie idee, maar dis nou uit my kop, van my lysie af, ek gaan dit nie meer doen nie.
Onthou hierdie ou tuinstelle?
Dis weer gewild die laaste paar jaar, maar jy moes soek om dit in die hande te kry, wat nog van 'n goeie prys.
Out in my backyard |
I watched my local favourite secondhand shop, Bellbottoms, like a hawk. Missed the first two sets - they were claimed within hours of being carried to the sidewalk. So when I saw the third, I literally cut through traffic, drove right over the sidewalk and proclaimed it MINE as owner Didi just laughed.
We had it for a couple of years now, and it went through some colourful phases - my boys love spray paint and I let then "re-decorate" it now and then. Last year, we went back to simple white.
The Grand Plan then was to crochet 4 retro-style cushions with a red gingham backing to use outside. My sis sent me a whole pack of Stylecraft Special DK to use, and off I went, starting out with a giant square.
And then I didn't do anything more.
For months I had only this one cushion.
Ek het Bellbottoms met 'n valk-oog dopgehou in die verbyry, maar jy moet vinnig wees. Het twee stelle gemis, maar toe hul die derde uitdra, is ek deur die verkeer, oor die sypaadjie om my kleim af te steek.
Die stel is nou al 'n jaar of drie hier by ons, en was al verskeie kleure van die reënboog. Nou met die wit, was my Slim Plan om 4 kussings te hekel, so bont as kan kom, met rooi gingham, aan die agterkant. My sisi stuur 'n pak Stylecraft uit Ierland, en ek val weg, haak gou vinnig 'n groot granny square.
En toe doen ek niks verder nie.
Leef vir maande met die een granny.
A lonesome Giant Granny |
I just couldn't get on with nr 2.
I started with a mixture off small squares of 3 rounds.
Then I started again, with larger squares of 4 rounds.
Then I started again, with Summer Garden Squares.
Then I replaced the too-light mint green with a darker green.
And this morning I decided I could just as well use my pile of scatter cushions outside, and calm down the family room.
Ek kon net nie aan die gang kom met nr 2 nie. Eers klein blokkies van drie rondtes probeer. Toe groter blokkies van vier rondtes. Toe Summer Garden Squares. Toe trek ek die ligte mintgroen uit en vervang met 'n mooier groen.
En vanoggend besluit ek om die hope kussings wat die wereld vol le in die familiekamer sommer buite ook te gebruik.
Viva Mzansi |
Yeay for Mr Price Home!
Yes, it works |
Going to use the Stylecraft for something else on my Long Long List.
Sal die Stylecraft eerder vir iets anders op my Lang Lang Lys gebruik.
(Have you ever abandoned a project that you really wanted to do?)
(It feels like I should feel very guilty but I Will Not).