Ek het hierdie week bietjie vasgehaak met my Ripple, en toe uitkomkans gekry in die vorm van 'n impulsiewe aanbod om hartjies aan 'n string te hekel vir vriendin Anner Stel se dogtertjie se kamer.
Makliker gesê as gedaan, kom ek toe agter toe ek begin patrone kyk...daar is swetterjoele patrone beskikbaar vir hartjies!
Ek het toe eers begin met Lucy's Teeny Tiny Hearts (oeps, skies nou die Brits). Dis 'n baie mooi hartjie, maar ek kon net nie die puntjie so mooi kry nie. Ek sal dit nog weer probeer en regkry! Toe kom ek af op
Julie Khundi's tiny crochet hearts, wat 'n baie mooi klein, vet hartjie maak. Jip, daarmee begin. Maar ek het ook Julia Crossland's tiny hearts probeer, wat 'n bietjie groter kom, en dis net so mooi.
Ek het klein aanpassings by albei patrone gemaak, wat ek hieronder in Engels sal gee (eh...moet nog Afrikaanse hekelterme net heeltemal onder die knie kry...).
Yeay, dit hekel so vinnig dat ek sommer vinnig genoeg gehad het (die wolle 'n mengsel van Ruby, Lavender en Ivory Pure Gold, en dan ook pienkerige wol wat hier rondgelê het).
Ek moes dit net toets om te kyk of dit reg lyk, sommer teen die rak in my kombuis (skies weer, laataand-selfoonfoto...)
Ek is tevrede, hoop die Krulliekop hou ook daarvan.
I struggled a bit with my Ripple this week, and grabbed the opportunity to make someting else - a hearts garland/bunting for my friend Other Stel's little girl's room. Easier said than done (me, the beginner), but luckily there are heaps of patterns hanging around on the Net.
I started with Lucy's Teeny Tiny Hearts , a very pretty little heart, but just couldn't get the pointy bit done. Will try again, though! Second to try was Julie Khundi's tiny crochet hearts, a very pretty little fat heart. Yip, started with that one. I also worked Julia Crossland's tiny hearts, a little bit bigger, and had a nice combination going then.
In the end I made small adaptions to both patterns (as my hearts looked a liiiiittle bit like apples...), and I will give those below. The yarn was 'n mixture of Ruby, Lavender and Ivory Pure Gold, and some unknown pinkish wool from way back in a corner.The Pure Gold DK is ever so slightly thicker than other DK's, and coupled with my 4.5 hook, might have made the hearts a bit...fatter.
Yeay, it went so fast that I quickly had enough. Had to test it! Put it up against the shelf in my kitchen (sorry, low quality light night cell phone shot...).
I'm happy.
I hope Curly Girl likes it too.
I hope Curly Girl likes it too.
My small changes to Julie Khundi's tiny crochet hearts, in blue.
Make a magic ring.
R1: Ch 1, SC into loop x7, pull loop closed, join with Sl to Ch1
R2: Sl into 1st st, 5HDC into 2nd st, 1 DC in next 2 st, 1 HDC ch 1 HDC in bottom st, 1 DC in next two st, 5 HDC into next st, Sl in original st.
Give the tail and bottom a little tug to help shape, tie knots and weave ends.
My small changes to Julia Crossland's tiny hearts Teeny Tiny Crochet Heart Bunting
R1: Make a ch with 4 st and join. SC 10x into the middle of the ring.
R2: Make 5 DC into the 1st st. Make 1 SC into each of the next 3 st. Make 1 TR*, again 1 SC into the next 3 st, and 5 DC. There should be 1 st space left, SL into this.
R3: Join the 2nd colour. Make 1 ch into the last SL of the previous round. 1 SC into the next st. 2 SC into each of the next 3 st. 1 SC into each of the next 4 st. 1 SC 1 HDC 1 SC or 1 SC 1 DC 1 SC into the following stitch (this is the tip of the heart), 1 SC into the next 4 st, 2 SC into each of the next 3 st, 1 SC into the next, SL and tie with a knot.
Thanks to these ladies for their lovely patterns, I'll be sure to try them with a smaller hook!
R1: Make a ch with 4 st and join. SC 10x into the middle of the ring.
R2: Make 5 DC into the 1st st. Make 1 SC into each of the next 3 st. Make 1 TR*, again 1 SC into the next 3 st, and 5 DC. There should be 1 st space left, SL into this.
R3: Join the 2nd colour. Make 1 ch into the last SL of the previous round. 1 SC into the next st. 2 SC into each of the next 3 st. 1 SC into each of the next 4 st. 1 SC 1 HDC 1 SC or 1 SC 1 DC 1 SC into the following stitch (this is the tip of the heart), 1 SC into the next 4 st, 2 SC into each of the next 3 st, 1 SC into the next, SL and tie with a knot.
Thanks to these ladies for their lovely patterns, I'll be sure to try them with a smaller hook!
The hearts are beautiful!
Jammer die patroon is nie in Afrikaans nie, ek kan nie in Engels hekel nie!
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